Behind the scenes: Lets Dance8 2011



On pictures:

  1. Bobby Oduncu and Sibel Redzep
  2. Iabel Edvardsson and Ann Wilson
  3. Figge Norling and Oksana Spichak
  4. Jessica Andersson and Krisjan Lootus
  5. Anna Book

Behind the scenes: Big Brother Sweden premiere.. again

On the pictures:

  1. Big Brother studio
  2. Gry Forsell
  3. Anton Glanseliuz, Gry Forsell and Pelle Porseryd
  4. Two participants going in to the house

M-magasin: Årets MAPPIE

In above pictures:

  1. Zinat Pirzadeh
  2. Annika Östbert
  3. Grynet Mollvig
  4. Overview
  5. Maud olofsson, Anna Maria Corazza Bildt
  6. Winners of all awards of 2010

Movie Premiere: Trassel

In these pictures:

  1. Molly Sandén
  2. Måns Zelmerlöw
  3. Marie Serneholt
  4. Josefin Crafoord
  5. Anton Abele
  6. Gert & Tanja Fylking

Behind the scenes: Let’s Dance 2011

Some pictures from behind the scenes of Let’s Dance 2011 that you don’t get to see on TV.